Monday 19 October 2009

Caveman Update

Hi fowks

It looks set to be another busy week, going to be working alot more on the game we have to produce. I have been focusing more on the level design and environmental art at this point but really need to draft up some concept sketches for buuildings and other assets.

I also spent some of my weekend modelling and rigging the caveman character for 3D Character animation.



Friday 16 October 2009

The caveman

Hello fowks

Some of you may know that i have recently taken up the M prof at abertay university. During this semester we students will focus on 5 modules each with specific criteria. We also have the option to choose 2 of these modules ourselves. I chose character animation, a module involving character rigging and animation and dramatic dynamics (environment design).

Being as i have only recently started this module i haven't had altogether too much time to gather my thoughts regarding modules. Working at college seems to be slowing the progress of my studies. However, only one more week left and then I'm free to dive head first into the university life once more, albeit at a higher level than before.

Anyway Ive posted a concept of the caveman character i want to model, rig and animate this semester below, Keep posted for more updates.
